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Captain Tray's New Victories
Computers are getting more and more powerful - processor frequency is growing, RAM volume is increasing, operating system stability is rising. PC users need to reboot their computers more and more seldom even working with a large amount of programs, each solving its own problem.

Some programs are used more often, some more seldom. Suppose you are a Web programmer. In this case besides your favorite programs you have to use different image editors, help systems, calculators, notepads, browsers, other additional tools and utilities which can be of help from time to time. In this case the taskbar can be filled to capacity and you have to click applications icons on the taskbar in order to find the necessary program. Here you may wish to close half of the run applications.


In this case Captain Tray Pro - the universal window manager - comes to your help. It can easily hide the unnecessary windows, put them into the tray and keep a kind of a window organizer. The program interface is designed as a file manager engine for you to operate your desktop as easily as the files on your computer.


The special program advantage is the ability to put automatically the windows into the proper place specified by the user. For example, you run Calculator or Notepad and they are put into the system tray at once, you run WinAmp - and it is automatically put into the Hidden Clipboard, i.e. becomes invisible


Captain Tray Pro can manipulate all the windows at once. Just press 'Alt+A' and all the windows will disappear in a wink, 'Alt+S' - and all the windows will be put to the system tray. You may often need it when somebody enters the room and you don't want to show what you are doing. Then just press 'Alt+D' and all the windows will appear again.

All the keyboard shortcuts (except Tab, F6, F8) work in any active application. In the table below you can see the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts.

CommandKeyboard shortcuts
Window managerShift+Ctrl+M
Setting a passwordShift+Ctrl+L
Main menuShift+Ctrl+*
Move the cursor between the manager panelsTab
Move the window in the managerF6
Close the window in the managerF8
Move the active window to the hidden clipboardCtrl+F2
Minimize the active windowCtrl+~
Put all the windows to the system trayAlt + S
Put all the windows to the hidden clipboardAlt + A
Put all the windows to the taskbarAlt + D

It often happens that you need to get away from your computer but you have many documents opened in various applications. Your computer may be used by some other people during your absence and then you will have to open your documents again which is very annoying. Just for this situation Captain Tray Pro has a special feature - password setting. You just put the necessary applications into the Hidden Clipboard (Alt + A) and set your password for the program (Shift+Ctrl+L). Now the access to your run applications is protected. After you return you will only have to enter the password and continue your work with the documents.

The zest of the program is the 'alarm' for the windows. If you want some application to blink in the system tray (like ICQ) you can activate the 'Timer' feature for the necessary window using the window manager actions panel. Here you can also set the sound notification - the playing of .wav file. To view the set 'alarms' just select 'Timer' on the menu

Captain Tray Pro has three working modes: 'hidden', 'system tray' and 'small window'. If you choose the hidden mode for your work you can access Captain Tray Pro only using keyboard shortcuts. When you switch to the 'system tray' mode the Captain Tray Pro icon is put near the system clock. If you choose the 'small window' mode a small window appears in the screen centre and you can drag it over the screen. This window has the 'Always on Top' option enabled so that it will be the topmost window. You can find the similar windows in such famous programs as ReGet and FlashGet. Double-click this window to open the window manager. Right-click the small window to open the main menu.


Captain Tray Pro has a number of other useful features: it can change the headers and the icons of windows, get the system information on the necessary window, has a flexible and adjustable interface.

Captain Tray Pro is a great tool to manage the windows in the Windows operating system. It's an easy-to-use program with powerful features both for beginners and for advanced users. More information here

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